<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="23,138,38,152" HREF="!The "ears" of a cricket consist of a thin membrane on the side of each front leg. The membranes vibrate when sound waves strike them.">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="245,139,258,153" HREF="!The eardrums of a frog consist of a large exposed disk behind each eye. Sound waves strike the eardrums, causing them to vibrate.">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="15,302,28,317" HREF="!A vulture's auditory canals open along the sides of the head. Vultures, like all other animals except mammals, lack auricles.">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="252,302,265,316" HREF="!The auricles of a bat are movable and so help channel sound waves into the ear. Bats depend on their hearing to navigate in the dark.">
<AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="441,302,454,318" HREF="!An African elephant's auricles are larger than those of any other mammal. They measure up to 4 feet (1.2 meters) wide.">